
Understanding and containing Brettanomyces bruxellensis in wines.

Technical developments and approaches in progress.

Lab Research and development Wine consultancy


Brettanomyces bruxellensis (Brett) is a polluting yeast of historically known oenological interest but still not duly feared in many world winemaking realities.

The qualitative deterioration induced by this yeast is due to the release in musts and wines of various types of metabolites, including ethylphenols.


Recent studies and our internal tests carried out by our R&D Department, in our internal oenological laboratory, have shown that its proliferation can irreversibly alter the quality of wines, already in the very early stages of development.

However, the damage that the microorganism causes is not only direct. The statistical increase of these issues and the increasingly conscious feedback from the consumer play against the corporate identity, with the consequent loss of credibility and tangible economic damage.


In order to counter this problem and provide customer support, our technical and R&D department has developed the Brettscreening operating protocol.


We had already dealt this topic on the online portal Wine Meridian.


Now, we talk about it in depth in the article “Understanding and containing Brettanomyces bruxellensis in wines: approaches in progress” published by VVQ magazine n. 3 April 2022.


You can read the full article after writing your email here below.

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